Motivation: How to Get Started and Staying Motivated!

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Now let’s talk about motivation – We all need motivation in our life. Whether it’s personal or business. Many people maybe struggling to get motivated. You may feel unmotivated because you’re not in the mood to feel motivated. Sometimes you need a little push to feel motivated. So are you struggling to get motivated? Is this happening every day or just some days?

Let me ask you – What would ‘Motivation’ mean for you? Do you know what it really means because motivation is more than we realise. We know it is a drive to achieve your goals or needs it is influenced by:

  • how much you want the goal
  • what you will gain
  • what you will lose from not achieving your goal
  • your personal expectations

We all want to change at least one thing in our life. However, it can be challenging to find the motivation to make a start. It helps if you understand what motivation means to you so you can find your own ways to get motivated.

Why is motivation important? It is important because it

  • provides you with goals to work towards
  • helps you solve problems
  • helps you to change old habits to new habits  
  • helps you to cope with challenges and opportunities 
  • and much more…

There has been many times I’ve felt UN-motivated to do things in life and to achieve a goals. I had to dig deep why I was feeling un-motivated at most times. I was finding it difficult to achieve goals and set priorities due to motivation. I knew something needed to change. It had to change you don’t get anywhere in life if you don’t make the changes.

So how did I help myself to get motivated? If you’re feeling no desire to feel motivated but feel you want to get motivated.

Grab a note pad and a pen and follow my tips below: These are the tips I helped myself to get motivated and it works! All you need to do is write it down and follow the process.

  • Set yourself one specific, achievable goal.
  • Think about how to include that goal in your life, what you need to do to make it happen. Then put a timeframe on it (such as one week or one month).
  • Break your goal into small, easy tasks and set regular reminders to complete each step.
  • Ask for help! I have services I like to offer you. You can read the details HERE!

How can YOU stay on track to achieve your goal?

Staying on track can be difficult there are always distractions around, this will cause you to lose your focus, you don’t want this to happen.

Here are more of my tips for you:

  • Make your goal part of your routine by using a diary or app for reminders.
  • Positive self talk is important and effective in managing. Instead of saying ‘I can’t’, say ‘I can’.
  • Being mindful and meditation will keep you relaxed and focus
  • Start a class or take up my one to one monthly support coaching (see below for details)
  • Reward yourself when you have completed a step or goal.

Below are my services that may interest you:

How can YOU stay motivated?

Staying motivated can be challenging however if you follow the tips you’ll be well on the way to staying motivated.

Here are some tips:

  • Regularly review your goals and progress. Seeing progress is a great motivator in itself, and also improves your self-esteem. 
  • Continue to set new goals. Think about what you want to achieve next week, next month and next year. Tackle ONE goal at a time so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
  • Keep the momentum up. It takes most people about 2 months to develop a new habit, but for some people, it can take much longer. Keeping the momentum and routine helps it feel more automatic over time.
  • Find mentors, for example, someone you look up to who is experienced in the habit you want to change.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. Positive friends and family enhance your positive self-talk. This helps to manage the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

What to do if you lose motivation…

Setbacks are normal, even I have set backs at time. Don’t be hard on yourself if you have a set back and feel like you failed. Remind yourself you have not failed you only had a little set back.

Once again here are my tips:

  • Review your goals and see if they are realistic in the timeframe you have set. You may need to break your goal down further into smaller and more achievable goals.
  • Remember why you wanted to get motivated or reach that goal in the first place.
  • Take motivation from others – feel inspired by reading a book. Talk to your mentor, or friends or family who have reached similar goals to the ones you have set.
  • Sometimes you just need to take a break and start afresh.


You don’t need to do this alone, you don’t need to continue to struggle. I offer coaching services to help you ‘Get Motivated’ and to keep you on track. Together we discuss your options where you like to be motivated wether its person or online business even if you’re struggling to start an online business the services is here for you. Note: I also offer a TWO FREE Day coaching for 30 minutes. This is value from $200

Don’t hold back lets get you motivated and so you can start living again and enjoy life and your online business.

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